Tuesday 27 January 2015




There were times when people moved from place to place with an idea of displacement with defined reasons. But I'm pretty sure that even Phoenician's or  Mesopotamian's wouldn't have thought of there voyages could ever convert into an industry. An industry which is not only growing on a fast paced speed but also evolving and getting diversified in many other streams.
Meanwhile, the main focus of this whole wavered idea is that with the growth of tourism sector we are facing a new problem which is directly linked to the tourism industry, "Environment Degradation ", this is in fact a very old issue but shows up time to time with the so called advancement of our civilisation  What is so bad about this ? this question has never helped a lot in solving the problem but its something like, you hit a jackpot and boom!! become a millionaire  obviously you would want to upgrade your lifestyle but would you do that if there's a condition applied stating you will have to spend rest for your life with dirt and garbage scattered around you in a messy house  no matter how big it is? Spontaneous reply will be no.
But, in real life we are doing the same with our home, our very own and till now alone habitable planet, Earth. Upon asking few questions to yourself, you may think that what can i do for such a big planet, but the point is that its "you", who is also a part of us and if you  are not thinking  to change then what will make "us" think to change. Further continuing with our topic eco tour, nobody really knows what it means exactly but whole notion of ECO or ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY attached to things, make it very obvious to understand in a very understated manner. But allow yourself to think just a little bit harder and instantly without pushing yourself  further you will get the idea about ECO TOUR. This is just a small picture of the big idea behind SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT. We need to cut down on our spoiler attitude and become a responsible tourist for the sake of both nature and tourism industry if we really want to spend some good time with our near and dear ones in a clean and clutter free wandering zone. I don't need to teach what should be done, but you need to be reminded that  sooner we start, better the circumstances will become for our future travellers.



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